sunshine boy

美 [ˈsʌnʃaɪn bɔɪ]英 [ˈsʌnʃaɪn bɔɪ]
  • 阳光男孩;暖男
sunshine boysunshine boy
  1. I am a sunshine boy .


  2. GG sunshine boy welcome your presence !


  3. The boy who really loves you , will live a positive life , because he hope his be-loved girl consider him as a sunshine boy .


  4. The Sunshine Boy is a moving , compassionate portrayal of a mother 's desperate quest to understand the perplexing condition that controls her son .


  5. Characteristic : Wearing a dashing suit or a casual sweater , Park is labeled as a sunshine boy who is sweet , considerate and has an irresistible smile . Aloof
